Families who follow the Charlotte Mason method of education do not begin formal schooling until the age of 6, but there is a feast of activities that we offer to 5 year old students. This time is a gentle precursor to formal academics and is comprised of an abundance of nature study and exploration, art, music, and read alouds.
Our Kindergarten runs concurrent to all other LOA classes. As students are interested and able, reading, writing, and mathematics are taught through games and informal lessons.
The list below is of rotating activities that your children will participate in over the course of the school year.
Informal lessons by way of good books include:
- Bible lessons
- History
- Poetry and nursery rhymes
- Folk songs and hymns
- Nature Lore
- Classic picture books and activities
Hands-on Exploration may include the following depending on the year of enrollment:
- Play games and do activities to build the habit of attention, self-control, respect and obedience
- Go on nature walks (in all but the most inclement weather) and learn to closely observe local plants, birds and insects
- Become familiar with common bird calls
- Notice the position of the sun and shadows, locating cardinal directions, learning to follow maps, physical geography games, noticing how water runs, etc.
- Tend a garden (indoor or outdoor, as weather permits)
- Develop observation skills and vocabulary through "sight-seeing" adventures around the facility and grounds
- Listen to classical music for appreciation
- Examine fine art pieces of classical artists
- Play Creatively
- Make food
- Make simple handicrafts
*Children of teachers and staff, and siblings of existing students will be allowed to register first. We will then open up registration to new students. As of April 26th, 2023 all new registering students must be 5 years old by September 1st for the upcoming school year.